A Short Guide to Pricing Your Services as a Consultant or Coach

Use our post on SEO and other consultant and agency rates. The second main reason practitioners price themselves low at the beginning is to build their book of clients. When most people start consulting on their own , they charge too little. Since consultants tend to round to the nearest $5, our example results in $115 per hour rate.

It’s common to fall into the trap of defining what you do by title . While titles may be good points of reference, they aren’t definitions of the services you provide. Think of yourself not as a person comparing what you do to a salaried role, but rather a business serving a specific audience.

Stay ahead with weekly insights on growing your independent consulting business or managing your independent workforce.

Your consulting is a business, even if you only do 5 hours of freelance work a month moonlighting alongside your day job. This last tip may seem silly, but sometimes it really does make sense to charge what everyone else charges for consulting. It comes down to what the market will bear and what your competitors are doing. If you fall in line by charging the same as everyone else, you’re signalling that you’re a worthy consultant who plays fairly. You’re also making sure you get the base line rate for consulting in your market.

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With 10,000+ hours in consulting and training for organizations like SAP, VMware, CERN, he’s been helping hundreds of SMEs growing in different stages of the business lifecycle. Smaller businesses still try to uncover the most profitable and repeatable channels that generate revenue – consulting rates think of business development and lead generation. Underpricing a consulting fee for a one-off project sends the wrong message and may affect the quality of service even if you receive a discounted fee. Across my network, the average consulting fee is between $150 and $1,000 per hour.

Consulting Business Profit Margins

In a study conducted by Upwork, there has been a staggering 87% increase in telecommuters from the pre-pandemic period. As they assess, remote work will only continue throughout 2021. While this may seem perfectly reasonable at first blush (and it is certainly much better than not factoring in these costs at all!), one quickly realizes that it is still way oversimplifying the problem.

how much should i charge for consulting

When you’re starting out, finding the right rate is tricky. If you don’t have much experience, find an initial client and offer to do work for a discounted price or free. Focus on delivering the best results possible, which means don’t try and get additional clients. Once you’ve shown the results, create a case study from that first client.

How to Calculate Your Consulting Fees Based on Different Payment Methods

For example, if HR consultants earn between $34 to $42 per hour, it’s safe to say the standard market rate for this industry is $35, which is the median rate. This figure varies based on the client, expertise, and experience but can be a good benchmark when deciding how much to charge for consultations. Many IT consulting firms specialize in certain industries, such as healthcare, fintech, automotive, and other specialty industries.

For example, let’s say you wanted to make a gross salary of $60,000 per year. To calculate your hourly rate, you’d divide $60,000 by 52 (which is roughly $1,154), then divide that by 40 (which is $28.85). Then, mark that up 40%, which results in an hourly rate of about $40. Note that your pricing structure https://globalcloudteam.com/ should be under consistent review, especially as you grow your skills and attempt to expand your consultancy. Your rates should change every year as you gain experience, build your portfolio, and prove your worth. However, remember that your client is likely going to be looking for these same numbers.

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Clearly, many businesses cannot afford an annualized management consultant rate of over $10 million. The project-based model is more complicated than the hourly model, but you know exactly how much you pay upfront. It’s a great option if you want to get an experienced consultant for a reasonable price.

how much should i charge for consulting

Whatever way you choose, make sure you are getting the most benefit for incurred, legitimate business expenses. Overhead can be a vast and varied laundry list of things that can range from office supplies, computer systems, and marketing to professional advisors, training, and licensing fees. As each consulting practice varies, you should carefully consider the things you need to run shop in your line of business that you can’t charge back directly to your clients.

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Chances are that you’re not the first consultant your client has hired. Businesses are in the practice of regularly engaging contractors and consultants, so they’ll have some awareness of the going rates—and they’ll perceive your value based on where you fall within that range. This includes tangible qualities like the specific services you’re providing, your level of expertise, and any industry certifications or awards that verify that expertise. It also includes intangible qualities like your flexibility, adaptability to your client’s needs, responsiveness, and ability to meet deadlines. First, though, you’ll need to know your baseline salary goals and business expenses.

  • Apart from the world region, the country you’re living in determines the hourly rates as well.
  • The scope of work should be a large determinant of your rates, but pricing per hour or project is challenging to estimate.
  • A good client will recognize that you also need to be motivated to work on their project and will be open to this.
  • In the market-based approach, you’ll learn how to benchmark your internal cost-based rate against external conditions to remain competitive.
  • However, with services, determining the value of what constitutes your services — time, staff, expertise — is highly subjective.


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