Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Alcoholism


Diagnosing co-occurring disorders can be difficult because the two conditions often affect each other and have overlapping symptoms. With dual diagnosis patients, it is always vital to obtain treatment for both disorders at the same time. Treating alcohol use disorder without addressing the narcissism or other mental health issues that underlie substance abuse will increase the chances of relapse and the need for more professional treatment.

It can be hard to hold a connection with someone who appears to only think about themselves. A loved one’s drinking and selfish behavior can be devastating and cause a great deal of pain and disappointment. If you’ve ever wondered if your loved one’s issues involve only their drinking problem or may in fact involve narcissism as well, consider the following symptoms. Motivational Enhancement Therapy narcissism and alcoholism is conducted over a short period of time to build and strengthen motivation to change disruptive behavior. The therapy focuses on identifying the pros and cons of seeking treatment, forming a plan for making changes in one’s drinking , building confidence, and developing the skills needed to stick to the plan. The most reliable way to treat NPD has always been talk therapy, aka psychotherapy.

What is a personality disorder?

Alcoholism can exacerbate the symptoms of narcissism and make them more pronounced, leading to impulsive behavior, difficulty expressing emotions, and an inability to take responsibility for one’s actions. Take our short alcohol quiz to learn where you fall on the drinking spectrum and if you might benefit from quitting or cutting back on alcohol. At some point, a person with alcoholism may realize they need to change. Narcissists are almost always unwilling to admit that they need to change, or that their actions have caused harm. Ria Health offers several FDA-approved medications for alcohol use disorder.

Is there a link between narcissism and alcoholism?

Narcissism may lead to alcoholism in some patients due to their grandiose view of themselves and denial of a negative outcome occurring. Alcohol abuse can cause people to develop narcissistic personality disorder as they become defensive about their substance use and whether they have an addiction.

A 2019 study of 345 college students (28% male, 72% female) found both grandiose and vulnerable forms of narcissism to be good predictors of alcohol use and alcohol-related problems. People with NPD may be more likely to misuse alcohol and develop AUD. Also, people with AUD might seem to behave similarly to people with narcissistic traits. Relapse is a common experience among people who are recovering from AUD. You can take steps to prevent relapse, such as recognizing your triggers and joining a support group.

Narcissism and Alcohol

Narcissists almost never apologize or promise to change their ways. That would feel like weakness, which is anathema to narcissists, sullying the image they desperately seek to cultivate. Doing so would risk encountering the deep shame and emptiness they carry. From a narcissist’s point of view, he or she has no problems and can do no wrong.

  • To get the support you deserve, you’re going to need to seek professional help.
  • A comprehensive recovery plan is the safest and most effective way to overcome a co-occurring disorder.
  • People with NPD tend to have difficulty receiving criticism from others, and as such, they might find it difficult to commit to psychotherapy and lifestyle changes.
  • Prone to withdraw, stonewall, or attack when confronted.
  • The MCMI-IV is an inventory designed to help assess, diagnose, and provide treatment options for individuals with personality disorders.
  • Many individuals who struggle with substance disorders tend to condemn others due to their alcoholic personalities.

Relapse, or a return to drinking, can be extremely challenging for the person with NPD and AUD and those that love them. Narcissists, by definition, have trouble accepting criticism and admitting when they’re wrong. Narcissists may hide, deny, or downplay if they start drinking again, especially since they may have made their sobriety the new focus of attention in your family or friend group. The narcissist alcoholic or alcoholic with narcissist traits has co-occurring narcissist tendencies and AUD.


This form of therapy is focused on identifying the feelings and situations (called “cues”) that lead to heavy drinking and managing stress that can lead to relapse. The goal is to change the thought processes that lead to alcohol misuse and to develop the skills necessary to cope with everyday situations that might trigger problem drinking . Alcohol addiction affects an alcoholic’s behavior and the way they treat people, as well.

narcissism and alcoholism


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